McPhail Baptist Church
Prelude: “Abide With Me” (Piano/Organ)
Hymn: “We Come, O Christ, To You”
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Confession
We are thankful, God of creation, God of providence, God of grace, for the many evidences of Your love. We are grateful for life itself, for the ability to think, to see, to hear, to feel. We are grateful for seemingly unrelated incidents along the way, events which brought us to this point of our maturity, fulfillment, and accomplishment. We are grateful for people who support us, pray for us, encourage us, and love us just the way we are.
We are also grateful for Jesus Christ and for all that He gives to us, strength for each new day, and the promise of His grace, goodness and mercy for all the days of our lives.
O God of mercy, your hopes for us are greater than our own, yet our failures do not surprise You. Teach us to affirm what is good in our lives, and to put behind us what is unworthy, that by your grace we may live in confidence and joy, in the manner of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Special Music: "Pass Me Not"
Laura Monchuk/Ernie Cox
Hymn: “Leaning On The Everlasting Arms”
Sermon: “A Good Word”
Rev. Steve Zink
“Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up” (Proverbs 12:25)
Hymn: “Forth In Thy Name”
Postlude: “Fantasia on ‘Duke Street’”
by David Paxton
I was really moved by the sermon