McPhail Weblog Sept 19, 2021


McPhail Baptist Church

The House of Mourning, 1836 by Thomas Uwins 

Prelude: Variations on "Come, Ye Disconsolate" (arr. Raymond Haan)

Hymn: “Come, Christians, Join To Sing”

Prayer of Thanksgiving 


O God, You are our rock of salvation. You are the source of strength that lifts us from the depths of our own cares and concerns. We give thanks that You set our feet upon solid ground, and give us courage to face the day. We remember that You have sent us Christ as the seal of your promise. That He went about healing and teaching in response to your will, and that He called on your name when in need. Help us to do the same. 

You are indeed a God of compassion and solace. Renew us by the testimony of your enduring indulgence, and empower us through your continuing charity. And with the hosts of those who have gone before us, may we continue to sing your praise. O God, truly You are the rock of our salvation! Amen.

Special Music: “Be Not Afraid” 

Ernie and Lynda Cox

Hymn: “I Love To Tell The Story”

Sermon: “The House of Mourning”

Rev. Steve Zink

“It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting” (Eccl 7:2)

Hymn: “Great God, Your Love Has Called Us”




Postlude: Tuba Tune (Paul Fey)


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