McPhail Baptist Church
Rembrandt, The Apostle Paul, c. 1657
Prelude: “Cantilene” (William Reed)
William Reed (1859-1945), the composer of the piece “Cantilène”, was a Canadian organist and composer. He held various positions over his lifetime, in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City. This piece was written in 1900. A cantilene is a very lyrical piece, quite often used as a lament or elegy. I decided to play this piece today as an expression of lament for the hundreds of indigenous residential school children who were recently discovered in unmarked graves around the country.
Hymn: “When Morning Gilds The Skies”
A Prayer for the Summer Season
Dear God, we pray today for those of us whose summer plans include a time of vacation. We remember in May these summer months be a time of refreshment and good times, especially after the many long months of confinement and restrictions.
We ask Your blessing upon the young people who are working at summer jobs. May they derive a sense of satisfaction for a job well done, as well as valuable experience which will help them to make their way in life.
For those of us who will be travelling this summer, help us to be alert, courteous, and careful, assuming responsibility both for ourselves and for others.
We ask that through the time we spend together as families, our bonds of love may grow stronger.
Dear God, the peaceful season of summer is upon us. Long sunny days drift into cool starlit nights. Everything is slow and easy. Plants and flowers grow and bloom during the months of summer—help us, Lord, to do the same. Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
Special Music: “The Lord Is My Light”
Terri-Ann Wint
Hymn: “For the Beauty Of The Earth”
Sermon: “Just Beyond”
Rev. Steve Zink
"Power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor 12:9)
Hymn: “Forth In Thy Name”
Postlude: “In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord”
Johann Pachelbel
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