McPhail Weblog April 11, 2021


McPhail Baptist Church

Prelude: “Christ Lag In Todesbanden”

 (Christ Lay In Death's Bonds) Luther/Bach

Hymn: “Come, Let Us Praise The Lord”

A Prayer for God’s Presence


Gracious God, last Sunday we celebrated the joy of Easter. We caught a glimpse of the glory to come, and we praised You for the gift of eternal life. But this past week we returned to our everyday tasks and we tried to live out our Easter faith in the real world; and dear God, it hasn’t always been easy. 

Lord God, help us to see your kingdom both in us and around us. Speak hope to our struggles and make us strong. Speak faith to our doubts and make us brave. Speak love to our fears and make us glad. Speak life to our routines and free us to celebrate. Speak beauty to our brokenness and teach us to sing again.

Come to us and let us feel the glad and sure presence of your peace, grace, and love, for we are in constant need of your guidance, light, and truth.

May the joy and hope and promise of new life from Easter Sunday past be ours this day and all of our days. In the name of the resurrected Christ, we pray. Amen.

Special Music: “Be Not Afraid”   

Ernie and Lynda Cox

Hymn: “For The Beauty Of The Earth”

Sermon: “No Time Like The Present”

Rev Steve Zink

Do not say, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ 

For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.” 

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Hymn: “Thine Is The Victory”


Postlude: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”  

(arr. M. McDonald)


  1. We are so sorry to know of your Covid troubles and are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you Steve for that poignant sermon today. It seems you are living it👍 “Be not afraid and I will give you rest”. May it be so.

  2. Bless you and your family Steve. Thank you for your thoughtful sermon. Laurel & Mark Tye

  3. So sorry to learn of your family COVID woes. Sending healing wishes and love.


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