McPhail Weblog March 28 2021


McPhail Baptist Church

Prelude: “Gethsemane” (F. Ritter)

Hymn: “All Glory, Laud and Honour”

A Prayer of Confession

O Lord our God, today we are remembering Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, that we might think about what it meant then and what it means now. We realize what a large burden He had to carry. We confess that sometimes we are part of that burden. We shout "Hosanna" with our Sunday voices, but sometimes we let anger, jealousy, and bitterness control our week. At times,  whether with worry and stress, we have cut ourselves off from your Spirit, and we lose the peace of mind we so desperately seek. 

Help us to open all the streets and neighbourhoods of our lives and spread a joyous welcome for our Saviour, the Prince of peace, who calls us to find peace in Him.  May we allow the Christ to do what He came to do—to save us from ourselves so that  we might become His instruments of peace. Set us on the road to Good Friday and Easter. This we pray in His name. Amen.

Special Music:

“I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked” 

Lynda Cox

Scripture  Mark 11:1-11 (NRSV)

When they were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden; untie it and bring it.  If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ just say this, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here immediately.’” They went away and found a colt tied near a door, outside in the street. As they were untying it, some of the bystanders said to them, “What are you doing, untying the colt?” They told them what Jesus had said; and they allowed them to take it. Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it; and he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields. Then those who went ahead and those who followed were shouting,


Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!

Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David!

Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Then he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple; and when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.

Hymn: “And Can It Be?”

Special Music: 

“Open The Gates Of The Temple” 

Terri-Ann Wint 

Sermon: “The Ironic King”

Rev. Steve Zink


Hymn: “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”



“March Triumphant into Jerusalem” 

(R. Thygerson) 
